Who We Are?

The economy has always been one of the most important issues in the international arena. Especially in the globalizing world, any development anywhere in the world has an impact on the area of economics and finance. Therefore, it is extremely important to evaluate the effects of all developments on this area, to follow emerging new economic and financial trends, to make economic analyzes for the future, and thus to familiarize more people with the world of economy and finance.

Based on this idea, we wanted to make a think tank initiative as economy and finance experts in different countries. In this way, as we have stated above, we aim to make more people aware of these issues by objectively interpreting the developments in the world of economy and finance or other developments that may affect this area. Our initiative runs entirely on voluntary writings and studies, and we would like to state that we are open to the articles and comments of all experts who want to support our initiative anywhere. All the comments and articles sent to us are reviewed by our expert staff and published on our website.

The articles on our site are the property of the relevant author and our site within the scope of copyright and it is forbidden to use them without giving the source.

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